Monday, June 1, 2009

It's June!!

Hey, it's June already!! Summer, a couple of birthdays in our family, lots of sun, fun stuff. Jon had the day off and worked a project till he realized he didn't have all the right parts, so that will be finished another day. I hope you all have great summers planned...we have a couple of fun things ahead...YAY!!...and bike rides and target shooting in between. How about you?

Thought for the day

We look forward to this time every year...warmth, sun, and fun. At the same time we need to keep focus and stay with the good habits we have started and take opportunities to start some more good habits. It's a good time to get more exercise, less TV, maybe read more, whatever is a treat to you and fit these things into your new schedule. With all these possibilities don't lose sight of the MAIN THING. One of our favorite quotes from Ron Dotzler is "the MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING!! Of course the MAIN THING is Jesus, for Himself! Keep your perspective!!


Kathy said...

Hey! I love your new header picture. What a great shot! Looks like Father's Day! Linc had a great message yesterday too...matches up with your thought for the day. He challenged us to spend 5 minutes a day really conversing with the Lord and waiting to hear from Him. Isnt it ridiculous that we have a hard time carving out five minutes??? Here it is the end of Monday, and I still havent done it once! two days down and only five more to go...I will never make it, but if I make it once, I know the Lord will be there waiting to hear from me. Oh my, I have a long way to go.

Luann said...

You will make the time because you do love Him. I agree, though, that it is crazy that we find it hard to do. Then if we do it we start making it a "rule" instead of real. How are you anyway???