Tuesday, June 30, 2009

America's Got Talent Again!

This is GREAT...America's Got Talent is BACK! Can you tell I'm excited? It's a real bright spot in the summer TV scene. It has about everything you can imagine...singing, magic, dancing, ventriloquist, yo-yos, tumbling, eating glass (??? seriously), putting hooks into the nose and out the mouth (no kidding). The hokey guy that used to be a chicken catcher who comes on and sings all the way from the tips of his toes and makes you about cry. It's just a lot more interesting that that Idol show...no offense!!
We're gearing up for a houseful of kids and grandkids this weekend...YAY!!!! The plan at this time is that we'll all go to the fireworks together. I don't remember that last time even the girls, Jon, and I went together. It will be SO FUN. Then there will probably be some swimming pool time on Sunday at least for the kids. We both have Friday off so that will give me a chance to finish what I need to do.

Thought for the day

Okay, I'm finally on facebook. Several friends have warned me that it's very addictive. That's just what I need...another thing to eat up my time and attention. My plan is to keep it light and constructive. If I can't do that, I may have to put the brakes on the whole thing. We'll see! I don't know about you, but I have to be careful about what I let get a hold on me. It's far too easy to let my days be eaten up by things that are fairly meaningless. Be on your guard. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23

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