Sunday, October 19, 2008

Call to Prayer

It was a beautiful day today, but just as I was finishing up some computer work so I could take a walk I was hit with a nasty sinus headache and had to take some drugs and try to sleep it away. It worked a little bit, but it keeps coming back so I didn't get a lot more done. I did do some laundry, but didn't accomplish much more. I did get some work done on a computer project so that was good. Jon was able to work on GPS, mow the yard, and give Logan a badly needed bath which I greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jon!!!!

I really enjoy these nice days even when I spend them inside---it's just very pretty out there. There is supposed to be more rain in a couple of days which will slow down harvest again, so we'll see what happens.

Thought for the day

I have been encouraged these last couple of days reading some past records of what God has told me. I am convinced again, as evey other time, that my purpose is to pray. I'm also reading "The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer" off and on, and it is such a great encouragement to pray and never give up praying. He says over and over that God has set it up that we are to pray...pray about everything, and He intends that we receive what we pray for. So simple...yet so incredible. It is, of course, based on a relationship with Him where He is Lord and we are seeking Him first. When our heart is truly His we can begin to have confidence that He is directing and purifying our prayers. The fact that we come to Him in prayer to start with means we are acting in His will, for it is His will that we pray. Please be encouraged to bring EVERYTHING that touches your life and heart to Him in prayer, no matter how big or how small. Pray over and over and trust that He sees all and has your best in mind as He answers.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm... you know anyone with internet access can read this, right? You may want to, in the future, not mention the d-r-u-g-s. just an idea.

love you

Luann said...

I like living on the edge---I took drugs all day today, too!!! Hmm...maybe my judgment isn't so hot though...