Friday, October 17, 2008

Keep Praying

I think we have a pretty quiet weekend ahead. We went out to eat at Victoria Station tonight and came back home so Jon could do some GPS work. I'm planning on spending a little time on the treadmill when I'm done here. Tomorrow by afternoon he'll probably be helping with combining again. All week I've been wanting to bake...with some input from Jon I've settled on baking oatmeal fudge bars tomorrow. I don't think I even remember the last time I made those. Baking is one of the things I miss about everyone leaving home and me working full time. I can still do it, but it's pretty risky when there aren't others around to help eat it. I'll have to figure out a sharing plan.

I love fall, but these last few damp days have been more challenging. It makes my joints hurt more, so I'm looking forward to some sunny days again. The weekend is supposed to be better---don't mean to complain, but I won't mind feeling it less in my joints.

Kelli is really sick with respiratory crud--pray for her please. Keep praying for Greg and Megan's house to sell, too, please. They are spending the weekend in Winfield, so I'm sure they'll be well fed and cared for. I would like to work on a computer project this weekend, too...we'll see if that happens.

Thought for the day

I'm always surprised how little it takes to distract me from prayer. I've believed for a long time now that if God has a "calling" for me, it is prayer. I believe He calls me to prayer for my own blessing as well as for intercession. There are so many needs to pray for, yet I'm constantly pulled from that quiet focus into the busy and transitory things of the day. Still my truest longing is for that fellowship and sense of destiny that are a part of real prayer. I'll have to keep trusting Him to bring me into the fullness of all that He has put in my heart because He's the one who has to do it. Like every other part of our walk it is His work, not mine.


Kathy said...

Sharing plan???????? Oatmeal fudge bars????????? I dont think Ive ever had one of those....ok, well, I hope we can get together...soon... wink wink
Love ya!

Kelli said...

oatmeal fudge bars. . . baked in a cake pan, not a cookie sheet, right?!?!?!? Wish I could come help you eat them up!

Luann said...

definitelty in a cookie sheet!! I thought of you when is was spreading them out---wish you could come help too!!
Kathy, we'll see what we can work out!!

Kelli said...

I'm feeling a bit better today - now it's mostly in my chest instead of my head. . .. at least that means no sinus headache and I'm trying to look at the coughing as more of a stomach workout than being sick. . . ???? Crazy, huh?!? :) We are taking the girls and Jenna out to the pumpkin patch near the air force base this afternoon since Bria didn't get to go last time. I think I'll skip the corn maze today though. :)

Luann said...

Glad you're feeling corn maze definitely a good idea. I'll call you later.

Kathy said...

I actually looked up a recipe on the internet for those...I wonder how it compares to yours. Wanna share?