Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Staying Focused

Hi there! Seems like I'm not getting things done this week or something. Weird. Didn't even remember to check in here last night. Oh well, I ramble too much anyway :)

Hope you're all having a good week. Pray for Kelli...her cold (?) is getting worse and she plans to go to dr tomorrow. Megan is working a lot this week and is still trying to get the weekend off to go with us to see Kelli's. Jon is working evenings but fortunately has been getting home in pretty good time. We're getting plenty of corn in this week so the days are very busy.

We're looking forward to going to Kelli and Jon's for the weekend. I keep collecting stuff that I need to take with...hopefully it all fits!! Maybe I'll have to ride on top of the van! BRRRR! We plan to run over to Tabbi's Friday night to see the boys in their Halloween costumes and the girls will show us theirs Saturday. Next week I should have some pix to share---yay!!!!

Thought for the day

In busy days like these it can be hard to stay focused and remember how to keep renewing our minds in the truth. When we are rushed and pressed it is more crucial than ever that we think correctly. If we don't, we fall prey to the world and to the enemy.
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:4, 6-8


Kelli said...

Hope to see you this weekend . . . if not we'll get another time nailed down. I plan on watching a lot of cartoons the next couple of days and enjoying some good cough medicine from the doctor and drugs. . . . gotta love bronchitis!

Luann said...

what meds did they give you? I have a text message in to Megan...will let you know when I know more.

Kelli said...

I talked to Megan at lunch and she said she would call me tonight and let me know what they have decided. I wasn't much help when I talked to her.
I got zithromax and phenergan with codeine YAY!

Kathy said...

Boy Im with you on this thought for the day. Staying focused has been a big one for me.. Thanks for your thoughts. I hope you have a great, fun and safe weekend.
Love ya!

Luann said...

Thanks, Kathy. Megan can't leave work...complicated. But Greg is going to go with us. Hopefully Kelli will be feeling MUCH better by then. We're going to just spoil her and make sure she just sits around. Keep getting better and keep your head on straight (it will help your neck, too)!!

Kathy said...

Head on straight is a big one..I think my brain has been damaged by all the chiropractor adjustments. I lost my glasses yesterday, only to find them right in front of my face today ( not on my face...just close). Then I keep loosing things...I better get some rest...have fun and be safe!