Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Value of Life

It rained lightly almost all day. I love the sound of rain, but the down side today was no thunder or lightning. Our whole family likes thunderstorms...probably because we've never had a really bad experience with it. I'm okay with that...no bad experiences and we still enjoy the storms. I always feel sorry for people that get really afraid of the weather...my only concern is if we've got kids on the road.

Tomorrow on the Today Show a 7th generation Wallenda (the Flying Wallendas) is walking 235' on a tightrope then riding a bike back across it for a world record---I can't remember how high, I'm thinking over 200'??? Why??? I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of thing...29 years old, married, 3 kids and they'll all be there watching. Oh, did I mention NO NET???? That's right, no net. I don't get it. I know it takes all kinds, but really? I think we can all get along just fine without this "contribution". Well, I hope he lives through it. Me...I'm just tickled that I had a clear mammogram...don't need to walk a tightrope, thanks anyway.

Tabbi, I tried Far Side again...we'll see if it changes!!

Thought for the day

How valuable is life to you? I'm sure most of you would be on the side of pro-life, but I'm wondering about the value of a daily life lived with a sense of purpose, destiny, hope, and respect...both for ourselves and for others. How do we help a checkout clerk at the store feel that what she or he is doing is important and appreciated? Or how about the attendant at the gas station? I'm not just talking about positive reinforcement, but helping someone see themselves the way God sees them. Living in that way really means walking with God in a way that brings us into the light and lets His light reveal to us what He sees in others. It requires a sacrifice of assumptions, biases, judgments, patience, preconceived notions, and self-righteous smugness. Do you, do I, value life enough to take a second look?


Kathy said...

Wow, this thought for the day strikes a nerve. I think most of us just slide thru the day without a thought of other people, other than to just be "nice". I must say, I am a good encourager, but to really helping others to see themselves like God see them? not so much. You KNOW what I m thinking, "how much time that would take"...yikes. Conviction...selfishness and pride. Yuk...this thought didnt brighten my day at all... BUT it pressed me in...to where I need to be. Love you

Anonymous said...

YAY for Far Side!!! See you at lunchtime! Tabbi

Luann said...

Hi Kathy!!! I know what you mean...all day today I could see myself not doing this very well. I do think it's worth pursuing, but you ARE a great encourager already...so no condemnation!! Hope your days are getting better and you're getting rested and restored. Talk to you soon!!

Luann said...

Hi Tabbi---lunch was fun...thanks. I do prefer the Far Side if it keeps changing. Thanks for asking about it.