Monday, September 8, 2008

Being Thankful

Do you ever struggle to remember all that you have to be thankful for? I'm so thankful for my husband, children, and grandchildren that you would think that I'd never be "unthankful". But it sneaks up on me, and before I know it I'm complaining (at least inwardly) about something. I really want to get better at not doing that, how about you?

Thought for the day
Sometimes it seems, Lord, that no matter how much You have blessed me all I can see are the things that "should be" different. One day it may be my work, another day it may be my church, another day it may be the way I look or feel, many days it's just "me". Then once in a while comes a day when it's all of the above. You have given me so much, and I KNOW that. That's why it makes me feel so guilty when all these other things crowd out the joy that comes from knowing You.

You have forgotten, my child, the source of your life. Your life is not made up of your work, your church, your appearance, your feelings, or even your list of regrets. When you look back you are wasting your time. When you look too far forward you lose sight of Me. I am right here, right now. I am in the middle of what seems to you to be a mess. I am walking you through the days that feel endless in their repetition and fruitless in their results.
Every piece of the texture of your life has a purpose. I am accomplishing what I desire as you surrender and trust. Sometimes, surrender feels to you like "settling" for what is instead of reaching for what may be. You are not called to surrender to circumstances; you are called to surrender to Me. It's true that I may not change your circumstances, but if you can place them on My shoulders you will find yourself walking through them with Me beside you. I know about living a life of obscurity and not feeling "successful". It's true that while on earth I generated a lot of interest, but much of it was directed at killing Me and all of it misinterpreted and misunderstood Me. Yet there was a reason for it all. There is a reason for all of what you don't understand as well. You may be setting a silent example for another struggler or experiencing a hurt or misunderstanding that will enable you to help someone else.
Perhaps the only "purpose" for some issues is to bring you to the end of your own strength and make you depend on Me. I long for your heart, and I seek it even through the midst of pain and hurt. When you feel strong and confident you may seem happy, but your happiness may be based on what is fleeting. As you learn to let your roots grow deeply into Me, you will find a reservoir of joy that no circumstance can overcome. Do not be discouraged but lift your head, for you are coming closer to that kind of intimacy with Me. This is what I have longed for.


Kelli said...

Thanks Mom - good reminders!

Kathy said...

I feel like I just went to church...awesome...thank you so much. I hope many will find your blog and reap the joys of hearing from the Lord...Its good to be back. Im trying to catch up with may take a few days.
My trip was long and tiresome, but really good!

Luann said...

Glad you are back!!! I hope your trip was great. Can't wait to hear about it. We'll have to get together soon!!

Concerned-Citizen said...

I have been enjoying your blog Luann.
Reading it is so up lifting for the soul.
Regard, Kathy Mom