We had a very nice weekend. After going to Applefest with Tabbi and boys on Saturday I brought Tre and Tru to our house and they stayed overnight. There was lots of playing outside and they got motorcycle rides in the evening. We all went to church this morning and Tabbi came to get them later in the morning leaving around 12:30? The weather has been warm and sunny, nights down in the upper 50's. It's been a beautiful beginning to fall and I hope we get to enjoy it for a long time.
It's hard to wait for the things that we want and really hard to wait for the things we need---like house sales and healing bodies. Please keep Greg and Megan in your prayers. The house really needs to sell so they can at least get into their own apartment. It's really tough not to have any of your own space and it's been two months already with no definite end date in sight. There is no really way to change it, and we keep talking about how it will be better soon, but some days that's not much help.
In the meantime, we'll all keep doing whatever we can to encourage and support them. One of the good things about being close to these situations is it gives you a more sympathetic heart for other people and their situations. Lots of people are facing troubles; let's pay attention and pitch in where we can.
Thought for the day
Thank You, Lord, for the many ways that You bless us and take care of us. We have so much; even in the difficult situations we have more than most of the world does, and we too often forget to even thank You. So thank You, thank You, thank You. Help me to remember how much I have and share it all with those you put into my life. Help me to trust that the people in my path are put there by you and treat them with the respect and consideration they deserve.
The boys look like they were having fun! And Megan and Greg's situation will work itself out. . . . we are continuing to pray!
These pics of your little ones are so precious! We will keep praying for Megan and Greg...The Lord says to be grateful in all things... Yikes...His timing is perfect and we will just be praying for patience to wait for his timing and to remove any obstacles that might need to be shoved out of the way! Love you!
Thanks, guys, I know you are praying and that it WILL be fine. It's just hard for them to keep walking forward when they have no idea how long it may be like this. I know you understand all about that. Have to keep moving--lunch hour
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