Sunday, September 14, 2008

Race Nights

After a cold windy day the wind went down, the sun came out, and it was a perfect evening for a walk. The small town we live in has a 1/2 mile dirt stock car race track. I could hear the cars racing last night until really late...I know they were still racing at 12:30...then I heard them running this afternoon...and this evening. For many years we have had Friday night races during the warm weather months here. When I was a girl I went every week with my dad to the races...really loud, dirty, smelly, and lots of fun. Because my parents and aunt owned the A&W Drive In, we always had to leave before the last race to get back to the A&W for the "race rush". We had a parking lot with 30 stalls and intercoms, and in a little over an hour we would fill and empty that parking lot 3 times...and these were almost all hot food orders. Everything was cooked as it was ordered and served fresh. I would run the intercoms, and my dad would sit next to me adding up all the orders and passing them on to the cooks. We all made a great team. It was crazy, hectic, and a lot of fun. We made a lot of great memories there...most of them crazy. I will always miss my dad.

Thought for the day
I said I will always miss my dad, and that is so true. But knowing that actually makes me more happy than sad. I was blessed to have a dad that I really miss. We have lost people that we don't miss and I know the difference. It is a huge blessing to have people in our lives of such a quality that we miss them when they're gone. Hold on tightly to the people you love, laugh whenever you can, and make some memories.


Kathy said...

Oh the good memories of childhood! You are so fortunate to have many memories to hold dear to your heart. I know just how you feel about your dad...thanks for sharing your heart today.

Anonymous said...

I miss grandpa too! But we won't forever...

Luann said...

That's right, Tabbi. Won't it be fun to see him again...all smiles and laughing?