Tuesday, January 13, 2009


If you know me well, I hope you know that I don't mind laughing at myself. I had a very strange realization today. I take a mega multi vitamin for women that I buy at Hy-vee. I was getting low and picked up 2 bottles on sale last week. I just used up my old bottle and the empty was sitting on my counter today when I looked at it then looked again...I spent the last 90 days taking mega multi vitamin for men and never even noticed. No wonder I haven't felt like myself!!!!

Thought for the day

I've been thinking about how diverse the body of Christ is with our own bodies as the example that Christ uses. There are many examples in our bodies of parts, organs, tissues that remain forever hidden...their function little known or appreciated. Yet if they should fail or become sick the body suffers in some way...maybe not too seriously, maybe only over time, but the truth is we need them to be well and functioning in order for our overall health to thrive. We need to realize that even if our part is not very obvious or influential, God sees its value and equips and strengthens us to fill that role. The truth is, the body suffers without us even when it doesn't understand what part we play. Whatever you do, don't envy someone else's part...fill your own.


Kathy said...

O Luann, this made me laugh! I thought I was the only one that did things so crazy! You are too funny. I love you!

Kelli said...

Go mom!

Luann said...

Yeah, it makes me wonder if I'm burping really loud, scratching anywhere I shouldn't, or putting the toilet seat up after I use it... I may need to buy a purse just to feel right again!!

Kelli said...

ha ha ha! Definitely time for a new purse. . . .! :)