Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lincoln Logs and Balance

Tabbi and the boys were here for a few hours this afternoon, and the boys discovered that I still have Lincoln Logs. They stayed busy for a long time building one "house" after another. Jon was home most of the day, too, working on the cradle some. I did a bunch of laundry and putting away. Hopefully, I can finish cleaning tomorrow after church. My physical therapy and stretches are going well, and my shoulder is better already. I think it will heal completely, and now I know what to do if it ever acts up again. Now I wish I hadn't waited so long to get it looked at. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Thought for the day
What are you doing for yourself? It seems that we vacillate between being selfish or self-centered and being consumed with the needs of our family or others. True balance can only be found in relationship with Christ. Even as I say it, it sounds passe, canned. But I'm talking about the living, moment by moment relationship where we depend on Him all the time. No easy task in a world of distraction, noise, and urgency. Yet I believe it is possible in any environment...not that I have arrived, but I do believe Christ has made provision for that reality even in this age. It won't look the same on everyone, but lives lived this way will demonstrate a peace, contentment, and wisdom that is beyond the "natural" disposition.
"Seeing that His divine power has granted to us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence." 2 Peter 1:3


Kelli said...

Looks like they have mastered the Lincoln Logs! Definitely cool cabins. :) Think I could live in a log cabin - then I wouldn't have to think about paint!

Luann said...

I tried to call you...will talk to you later.

Kathy said...

Hey! We had Lincoln Logs! What fun...and tinker ya dont have any of those! Those little boys are precious, huh? What fun... Did I miss the shoulder part? Whats' up??? physical therapy???? ok, so the balance has been on the family side and not the friend side, we must do something about that!

Luann said...

Family always takes precedence...especially over the holidays. No problem. My shoulder has given trouble off an on the last few years, but this fall and winter it wouldn't go away. Didn't want to go to dr because I didn't want a coritsone shot, but she says it's tendonitis and I can take the meds for a week and do some physical therapy before we would resort to the shot. YAY!!!
You are right...I didn't keep the Tinker Toys. They have much better stuff now...I don't think even my girls had Tinker Toys, but I did.
I think we are long overdo for a foursome night out. Jon is on call till tomorrow morning, then not again till Friday. Then he's on for a week. How's your schedule?