Monday, January 19, 2009

Project and Progress?

Megan is starting to settle in to her new routine and she needs more sleep. We're going to drive over Thursday after work and take her out for her birthday and take her a few more things (thanks, Tabbi). It seems weird not to have her here's like having her leave for college all over again. Not so many tears this time, though. :)
I'm catching up around the house and trying to pick out some kind of "project" to work on. I really don't know what I'm looking for, but hopefully I'll know it when I see it. I'm open to suggestions that don't include sewing!! :)

Thought for the day

How does your new year feel so far? I'm doing better walking and of course my pt gets me stretching. I think I'm practicing some better food choices and habits. I can't say I'm seeing all the deeper progress I would like...knowing that God is doing something new in me, or making noticeable progress in the quality of my prayer life. But then I'm reminded about performance vs relationship again. I have to remember again that He is more interested in my depending on Him moment by moment, than He is in my performance. Still, I should think relationship would result in tangible change eventually. How do you see it?

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