Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Snow

It was a little warmer today, and the next 2 days are supposed to get even warmer...40's on Saturday. Yay!! Everyone is ready for a hint that spring will come eventually. Things are quiet at work this time of year, so some days go slow, but today I could find some time to do a little writing. You all know what I'm doing this about you?

Thought for the day

There was a light snowfall for a short time today and it made me think about how fresh and white new snow always looks. I've been feeling kind of lost, sore, empty, tired, bored, unmotivated...I knew today that what I really need is a fresh pouring out of His Spirit over my heart. Seeing the snow made it so clear. Our hearts get dirtied by daily living the same way the snow is dirtied by traffic and time. The first flakes of new snow don't seem to make any difference, but as the layer gets deeper everything is made clean and white again. Similarly, our hearts need a fresh fall of God's Spirit to be cleansed, restored, healed, and made beautiful again. That's why we need to come to Him often...very often...because life in general dirties our hearts, to say nothing of the actual sin which is all too present. He promises to make us whiter than snow, and Psalm 71:3 says that He is a rock of habitation to which we may continually come. Come now. Come often.


Cheryl and Kathy said...

I really appreciate your insight...and your analogies..I was watching the snow flakes today and realizing how individual they each were and how infrequently we see that these days;. I dont know what that means. But I love you! Kat

Luann said...

Hi there!! Hey, have a great time and enjoy the WARM!!!

Luann said...

Wait...if you saw snow you are not Kathy in Florida...duh. You are Cheryl in I get it! Thanks for your comment and now we'll watch the snow melt the next couple of days!