Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It Just Gets Bigger and Better

This whole party thing may be getting out of hand!! But all in a good way!! Kelli and her family are going to come down Friday night and go back on Sunday in order to be here for the birthday party. My mom has no idea that any of the grandkids are coming...so NOBODY TELL!!!!! It will be a real treat for her to have so many there. My brother-in-law, nephew, and his family will be coming from out of town, too.

Thought for the day

How do we show people we love them? Much of that answer depends on the history we have with that person. Obviously, some relationships are more intimate than others, so how we express our feelings varies accordingly. But even in relationships that are on "equal" footing, it can be much easaier with one than with another. It was always different for me with my dad than with my mom...loved them both, but the way we related was different in many ways. I wondered how it would be after Dad died, but I'm happy to say that Mom and I do fine. We've found our own style of relating that on a good day will have to include some laughing. Whatever the style, make sure you let those you love know that you love them.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU MOM - and DAD TOO!! just thought i'd let you know.

Kathy said...

How fun! Enjoy that fabulous family!

Luann said...

We will have a great time and Mom will be amazed that so many were able to come.